Our brain recognizes movement patterns such as walking, running, bending, pushing, pulling, and chewing, rather than isolated muscle function. When our bodies are injured or traumatized, in order to keep moving through our daily activities of life, the Motor Control Center (MCC) in the cerebellum quickly reorganizes our movement patterns. If one muscle in the movement pattern fails to do its job, then the MCC finds another muscle to do it. The muscle that’s not doing its job AND the muscle that jumps in to help complete the movement pattern can very often become tight and painful. Together they form a compensation pattern.
NeuroKinetic Therapy (NKT) is a system of manual muscle testing based ‘Motor Control Theory’. ‘Motor Control Theory’ tells us that the brain learns physical movement from previous experience….particularly failure, i.e., injury or trauma. Sprains, strains, falls, surgical scars, whiplash, dental work, & sports injuries are just a few of the common culprits behind movement dysfunction. The brain self adjusts and adapts motor learning according to circumstances of the moment guided by the limbic system (desire). It doesn’t matter how old the trauma is, the dysfunction remains in the MCC until it is re-set.
NKT is a sophisticated assessment and treatment modality that addresses the cause of dysfunctional movement and coordination problems at their root……in the MCC. A skilled NKT practitioner identifies and resolves dysfunction of overactive and underactive muscles in the neuromusculoskeletal system resulting in improved movement patterns and elimination of pain. The net result is that your body comes back into balance, moves better and more efficiently in a pain free environment.
NKT assesses and re-sets muscle and soft tissue imbalances ultimately resolving pain patterns and symptoms, including chronic pain. It literally takes the guesswork out of traditional approaches, and it is fast.
A typical NKT assessment is done in a 60-90 minute session fully clothed on a comfortable treatment table. It’s non-invasive and doesn’t involve painful treatment techniques. The only pain involved is the pain you bring to the table. It’s not uncommon to leave your first session in significantly less pain. Your NKT intervention is then followed up with you participating in your healing by doing simple homework therapy on yourself.